It is important to establish a procedure to follow in the event that you need to delete a user from Scilife to ensure the continuity of your eQMS.
The following list provides some best practices that could be incorporated into a leaver's procedure.
- Before deleting a user from the system, export an items list (select all columns) from the listing page of your chosen module to determine which items the user has roles in.
- Add additional users into the role of any items of which you will need to eventually delete a user.
- Force Reviewing a Published Document where the users that need to be deleted, this will also automatically add the person that force reviews the document to the role of Author and thus allow them to make changes to the roles in the document.
- Carry out the Move All Ongoing Items function, please note this only works for ongoing items and additional checks will need to be made to ensure other users are added in the place of the departing user. For example, if the departing user is the only author in a number of published documents that have a periodic review then it would be sensible to ensure that these are identified.
Relevant for: Administrators / Managers
Please note: Deleted users can be restored in future if this is required for any reason.
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