All Deleted Items are never completely deleted from the system, they will always be kept stored in Scilife and you can find them in the Deleted Items section.
Where to find and restore Deleted Items
- Go to MANAGE > Scilife Settings
- Go to Deleted Items.
- In the All Deleted Items list select the type of item you wish to restore, for this example we will use Documents.
- Search for the Document you wish to restore.
- Select it by clicking on the check box to the left of the Document Title.
- In the With Selected dropdown menu at the bottom of the list select Restore.
- Apply.
In the next window Confirm if you are sure.
If the item is restored correctly you will get the message Restored successfully 1 of the 1 selected Documents.
You will then be able to find the restored Document in Document Control > Documents > Document List.
The Document will be restored in the same status as it was when it was deleted.
Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.
Please note:
- You will only be able to restore Documents created after the restore Deleted Items functionality was implemented. This will be the case for the vast majority. Should the Document be older than that, you will see an icon with an X to the left of the Document instead of a check box. This means the Document cannot be restored.
- If you want to double-check the Document before restoring it, just click on its title and you will see the content of the Document in the Document viewer, as you would with any other Document.