Two different ticket types can be submitted through Scilife's Support portal:
- Questions.
- Incidents.
It is important to include as much information as possible in the body of the ticket to ensure an efficient and timely resolution.
Questions & Incidents
Please bear in mind that you will only be asked to indicate ticket priority for Incidents and Questions.
Service Level Agreement will only be applied to these two types of tickets.
There are 4 different priority levels for Incidents and Questions:
- Emergency.
- High.
- Normal.
- Low.
When submitting a ticket please consider carefully the severity of the issue you are having and apply the priority accordingly.
EMERGENCY priority ticket
First reply within a maximum of 6 hours.
This can be:
- Total service outage, performance is critically degraded, major infrastructure outage making it impossible to use the service.
- The application is not available for a large number of users.
- The application malfunctions to an extent that a large number of users cannot carry out their daily functions.
- Impact on patient safety, product quality, or data integrity or is a security incident.
- Production servers are down and no workaround is immediately available.
- Business operations have been severely disrupted.
HIGH priority ticket
First reply within a maximum of 6 business hours.
This can be:
- Major functionality is severely impaired.
- Users are unable to work or perform some significant portion, if not all, of their job.
- Operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although long-term productivity might be adversely affected.
- A temporary workaround is available.
NORMAL priority ticket
First reply within a maximum of 1 business day.
This can be:
- Partial, non-critical loss of functionality of the application.
- Impaired operations of some components but allow the user to continue using the software.
- The customer experiences no loss of service and the Incident has no significant effect on the usability of the Application.
- The users are unable to perform some small portion of their job but they are still able to complete most other tasks.
- A user has asked a question or requested information.
LOW priority ticket
First reply within a maximum of 2 business days.
This can be:
- All other Incidents not covered within the above (low impact on business and no urgency on fixing the defect).