Training Periods in Scilife

  • Updated

When does the training period start for new users?

The training period will start for new Scilife users as soon as they are assigned to a Training with Training Materials.

This date is also noted as the First Assigned Date in the system.


What is the maximum training period and how is this applied?

The Maximum Training Period is the length of time that a user has to complete a training.

This applies as soon as a training assigned to a user and the training has Training Material.

This is defined by the Administrator/ Training Coordinator that has created the training.

If no Training Materials are added to a created Training, then the Training is not automatically started and will not show on a User's Dashboard nor will notifications be sent to the trainees.

Therefore we can say that that the maximum training period is calculated from the defined Start Date and will only be applied if there are Training Materials added.


Updates to Training Start Dates

The Training Start Date will get updated whenever the existing Training Material is updated or additional Training Materials are included.

At that point the First Assigned Date and the Training Start Date will no longer be the same as the Training Start Date has been updated due to the updates made.

This will also restart the training period for the whole training for all users.


Training Due Date

The Training Due Date is defined by the Training Start Date and the Maximum Training Period.

For example, a training starts for a user on 1st July and a 10 days maximum training period is applied, then the training due date will be 11th July.

Consequently, the Training Due Date will also get updated based on the Maximum Training Period and the Training Start Date, (should these get updated).

If new material is added to a Training which in turn changes the Training Start Date this will also update the Training Due Date.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users / Read-Only Users Users.

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