How do I create a Workflow?

  • Updated


In order to create a Workflow it is essential to have first created Fields, Forms, Roles, and Statuses before setting up your new Workflow.

If you are planning on adding a Subwokflow, ensure that this has been created and published before adding it to the Workflow.

To create a new Workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Quality Process Designer > Designer.
  2. Go to Workflow.
  3. On the Workflow Listing Page, click on the New + icon.

In the Workflow Creation Form, provide the following information:

  1. Give the Workflow a Title.
  2. Add the Statuses. Please bear in mind that you need to add at least two statuses in order to create a workflow.
  3. Add the Workflow Roles, i.e., who can participate in the workflow.
  4. Add the Workflow Main Form.
  5. Define the Prefix.
  6. Click on Save.

  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers 

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