Statuses of Equipment Maintenance Tasks

  • Updated

There are 3 different statuses of Equipment Maintenance Tasks:

  • Open
  • Pending Approval
  • Scheduled


When an equipment maintenance task is open you can:

  • Set to Pending Approval.
  • View the Equipment Maintenance task.
  • Show the Tentative Maintenance Schedule.
  • Edit the Equipment Maintenance task.



In Pending Approval you can do the following:

  • Accept the equipment maintenance task, moving it on to Scheduled.
  • Reject the equipment maintenance task, moving it back to Open.
  • View the Equipment Maintenance task.
  • Show the Tentative Maintenance Schedule.


Once an Equipment Maintenance task is scheduled you can:

  • View the Equipment Maintenance task.
  • Show the Tentative Maintenance Schedule.
  • Edit the Equipment Maintenance task.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users




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