Adding Findings to an Audit

  • Updated

Whilst your audit is in progress you can add findings to your audit.

This function can only be carried out by the Lead Auditor/ Additional Auditor/ Host and whilst the Audit is in the statuses where Audit Finding Management is enabled.

By default, these statuses are: In Progress/ Audit Performed. Depending on the settings at your end, it may also be possible to manage findings while in Draft, Planned and/or Reported status. 


How to add findings to your audit

Once you have selected the Audit to which you wish to add Findings, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Findings tab
  2. Click on the + Add Finding icon.
  3. Select your Finding Type from the predefined list.
  4. Add a Title.
  5. Provide a Description, if relevant.
  6. Select a Responsible User.
  7. Select a Due Date.
  8. Upload a File to support your findings, if required.
  9. Toggle on/ off whether or not it is mandatory to provide proof.
  10. Save your finding.




  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users

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