Whilst your audit is in progress you can add findings to your audit.
This function can only be carried out by the Lead Auditor/ Additional Auditor/ Host and whilst the Audit is in the statuses where Audit Finding Management is enabled.
By default, these statuses are: In Progress/ Audit Performed. Depending on the settings at your end, it may also be possible to manage findings while in Draft, Planned and/or Reported status.
How to add findings to your audit
Once you have selected the Audit to which you wish to add Findings, follow the steps below.
- Select the Findings tab
- Click on the + Add Finding icon.
- Select your Finding Type from the predefined list.
- Add a Title.
- Provide a Description, if relevant.
- Select a Responsible User.
- Select a Due Date.
- Upload a File to support your findings, if required.
- Toggle on/ off whether or not it is mandatory to provide proof.
- Save your finding.
Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users