When can I link a Change Request to an Audit?

  • Updated

You can only link Change Requests to an Audit if the said Audit is under one of the following statuses: upon creation of the Audit in the Create Audit Form, Draft, In Progress and Performed.

Linking a Change Request to an Audit

  1. Go to Audits Audits.
  2. Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the Audit you wish to edit.
  3. Once you have found the Audit, click on the Actions button.
  4. Click on Edit.


In the Audit form:

  1. Scroll down and find the Change Requests field.
  2. Select the Change Request you would like to link to the Audit. You can link multiple Change Requests.
  3. Click on Save.


How to check linked Change Requests

You will find the Linked Change Requests in the Change Request Tab of the Audit Details Page. In order to access this information:

  1. Go to Audits Audits.
  2. Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the Audit you wish to view.
  3. Click on the ID or Title to open the Audit Details Page.


On the Audit Details Page:

  1. Click on the Change Requests Tab to see all linked Change Requests.


Can I see this Audit listed on the Change Request details page?

Yes, as soon as you link a Change Request to an Audit, the information will be displayed on both items' Details Page.

  1. Go to Change Control Change Requests.
  2. Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the Change Request you wish to view.
  3. Click on the ID or Title to open the Change Request Details Page.


On the Change Request details page:

  1. Click on the Audits tab to see all linked Audits.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.

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