Audit Types

  • Updated

In Scilife, you can create an Audit that falls within one of the three types available: Incoming, Outgoing and Internal.

Incoming Audit

An Incoming Audit would be, for example, an ISO 9001 Audit. The Auditors will be people from outside your organization. Please note you can add a Lead Auditor as well as an Additional Auditor. You will be able to add the Auditors' email addresses and full names. The Hosts will be part of your organization and users in Scilife.


Outgoing Audit

An Outgoing Audit would be, for example, when you are auditing a supplier. The Auditors will be people from your own organization. You can add a Lead Auditor as well as an Additional Auditor. On the other hand, the Host will be someone from outside your organization. You will be able to add the Host's email address and full name to have all the information needed available within the platform.



Internal Audit

An Internal Audit could be helpful to plan ahead in case of a future Incoming Audit. The Auditors will be people from your own organization. You can add a Lead Auditor as well as an Additional Auditor. In this case, the Hosts will also be part of your organization and users in Scilife.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.

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