Using the Linear Closure Scheme when setting up a Training

  • Updated

Why Should I use the Linear Closure Scheme?

As a Training Coordinator, you will have the option of toggling this functionality ON or OFF when creating a new test. But why would you?

The Linear Closure Scheme forces Trainees to answer the assessment in a specific order, that is from the first until the last material (document, link, task, or assessment) in the training. This means that the Trainee will need to sign off on Material 1 before Material 2 and not the other way around.

This allows you not only to ensure that Trainees will follow the planned order but it can also provide a better training template where you first provide a document that needs to be read and only after you present the Trainee with the corresponding assessment. And on top of that, using the Linear Closure Scheme is also in line with Learning Management Systems' best practices.

How to enable/disable this functionality?

  1. Go to Trainings > Trainings
  2. Use the Filters and/or Seach field to find the Training you want
  3. Hover over the selected Training, and click on the Actions button.
  4. Click on Edit.



5. Keep this option OFF if you want your Training to follow the Linear Closure Scheme. Toggle this functionality ON if you want the Trainee to be able to randomly mark training materials as completed.


Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users
Please note: Once you have created a Training you will not be able to change this option. As an example, if you turn this option ON you will not be able to change it back to OFF if you want your Training to follow the Linear Closure Scheme.

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