Closing Change Request Tasks

  • Updated

Before a Change Request can proceed from Implementing status to Under Signing by QA all Tasks must be marked as closed.

How the Task is closed depends on the type of Task as well as on system settings.

Update Document Tasks will close automatically once the Documents included in the Task have all completed a full approval Cycle (from Draft to Published). 

Custom Tasks require that the Responsible User marks the Task as completed.

Depending on system settings it may be required that QA signs off on all Tasks before these are marked as closed. This will only be the case for Custom Tasks, it is not applicable to Update Documents Tasks, in this case, the system verifies that the Documents have gone through the entire approval cycle.


Closing Tasks

Closing Custom Tasks by Responsible User

The Responsible User of the Custom Task must mark the Task as closed. 

  1. Go to the Dashboard and filter on Change Request Tasks.
  2. Select Action required to determine which tasks need your attention.
  3. Click on the Change Request task ID or Title to take you in to the Change Request


From within the Change Request you can select Action by hovering by the Task title, then from within the dropdown click on Close Task:


In the Update Task status window:

  1. Sign off electronically.
  2. Add any Remarks.
  3. If relevant, upload files.
  4. Sign electronically.


If it is not required for QA to sign off on all Tasks then you will get the message: Tasks closed successfully. In the Tasks Tab of the Change Request Details Page, the Task will appear as Closed in the Status Column.

Once all Tasks have been closed by their Responsible Users the Change Request will automatically go from Implementing to Under Signing by QA status.

If system settings require QA to sign off on all Tasks, you will get the message: Task status set to pending approval successfully. In the Tasks Tab of the Change Request Details Page, the Task will then appear as Pending Approval in the Status column. 


QA Task Approval

QA will easily see Change Request Tasks that are Pending Approval on his/her Dashboard.

  1. Go to the Dashboard and filter on Change Request Tasks.
  2. Select Action required to determine which tasks need your attention.
  3. You can click directly on to the status of the task to take you in to the Change Request and then from here Accept/ Deny the closure of the task.


From within the Change Request you can select Action by hovering by the Task title, then from within the dropdown click on Accept/ Deny:



If QA decides to Deny the Task the Update Task status window will also include a Reason field.

QA must:

  1. Input their username and password
  2. Provide a Reason for rejecting the Task.
  3. Sign off electronically

The Responsible User will then have to repeat the Task taking into consideration the reasons given by QA. Once the Task has been completed the Responsible User will have to set the Task as closed once again.


If QA Accepts the Task then the Update Task status window will appear without a reason field, QA must:

  1. Input their username and password
  2. Sign off electronically


QA will then get the message: Task closed successfully. 

As soon as all the Task(s) in the Change Request are closed, the status of the Change Request will automatically change to Under Signing by QA.


Update Documents Tasks

In this case, the Tasks will be completed as soon as the Documents included in the Task have gone through a full approval cycle. The Task will be marked automatically as closed by the system once this happens.

It is not necessary for QA to sign off on this Task even if the Task Sign off for QA switch is turned ON.

Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.

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