When you do a regular or controlled print through Scilife, the system automatically includes the variable ${print_information} in the footer.
The print information variable always shows: Document ID, Printed on Day, Month, Year & Time by User Name (email of the user).
The variable is automatically added per default by the system and placed in the footer unless you add the variable yourself to the document. Moreover, the format (font size, color, and weight) of the variable is also given by the system.
If the format of the print information does not align with your document (is too small, too large, or other) then you can modify how it looks by following the steps described in this article.
First, you need to add the variable ${print_information} manually to the document template and then you can give it the desired format.
Adding and formatting the ${print_information} variable
The following description is based on making the changes in the Document Type so that all Documents that are created based on the Document Type will include this configuration. If you wish to make the changes in an already existing Document you can follow the same steps but instead of editing the Document Type, you need to make these same changes directly in the Document.
Editing the footer in the Document Type template
- Go to Documents > Document Types.
- Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the Document Type that you wish to edit.
- Click on the Actions button.
Click on Edit and Word will open it for live edit.
Once Word opens:
- Go to the section where you would like for the variable to appear, for example, the footer section.
- Paste the variable ${print_information} and then make sure the entire variable is selected in order to give it the desired format.
- Give the variable the font size you want for it to have, for example, font size 8.
- Give the variable the format you want for it to have, for example, italics.
Save changes to the cloud and exit Word.
Once the print information variable has been configured correctly, then create a new Document based on this Document Type.
Initially, while the Document is ongoing (Draft, Under Review, Signing by Approver, Signing by QA) the variable is visible in the document when shown in the viewer in Scilife.
As soon as the document goes to Approved, not Published the variable will not show any longer in the viewer but when a regular print or controlled print is made, the print information will be included in the footer in the font size and format given to it in the template.