During an Audit, you may be asked to demonstrate all the versions of a Document that one particular User was trained in.
The way to do this requires a few steps:
See which Training the Document has been used in
- Go to Documents > Documents.
- Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the Document for which you need to demonstrate User Training.
- In the Used in Trainings column, you will see the Training(s) in which the Document has been used. In this case, the Document was used in Training TR-1, TR-2, and TR-4.
- If you don't see this column in the list then click on the Fields icon, select Used in Trainings, and then save by clicking on the check icon that appears as soon as you make the changes in the column list.
Access the Training to see the User Training Details
- Go to Trainings > Trainings.
- Use the Search field to find the Training in which the Document was used.
- Click on the Title of the Training.
On the Training Details Page:
- Go to the Users / Offline Users Tab.
- Click on the Actions button of the User whose Training you wish to verify. If needed use the search field to find the User.
- Click on View.
On the User Training Details page:
- Go to the Training Documents section. You will see the latest version the User was trained in, including the date the training was completed for that particular Document.
- Click on the + icon to the left of the Document ID and the list of previous versions will appear. If the User was trained in the previous version(s), the version number, as well as the date the User, completed the training of each version will appear. If the User was not trained in the previous versions the message No data available in the table will appear.
Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.