Why has the Training not been Assigned to any Users?

  • Updated

Trainings are assigned to Users by combining Groups and User Functions

If you only assign the Training to one or more Group(s) but don't assign the Training to a User Function as well, then the training will not be assigned to any Users. 

How to Assign a Training correctly

  1. Define which Group(s) the Training should be assigned to.
    • Remember that the Documents you include in the Training have also been assigned to one or more Group(s). Only Users belonging to those Group(s) will be able to access these Documents.
  2. Define which User Function(s) are to be trained.

Consider the scope of the Training 

  • On one hand you can have global Trainings such as for instance Onboarding of New Employees. If the Training is the same for all Users, then the combination for this Training may be to assign it to the General Group and to the User Function Employee.
  • Specific trainings such as for instance Risk Assessment Training for QA staff. In this case the Training can also be set up by assigning the Training to the General Group but then only including the User Function QA.

Trainings are assigned automatically to Users when new User Functions are added to their profile

By setting Trainings up this way, when a User is assigned a new User Function, the system will automatically ask Do you want to send email notification related to trainings? By accepting, the User will automatically be assigned all Trainings that have been assigned to that User Function.

This can be very useful when new Employees join the organization as well as when current Employees change jobs within the company.

Defining your organizations Groups and User Functions

Groups are used to limit access to items in Scilife in the sense that only Users belonging to the Group to which the item has been assigned will have access to it.

If you are also working with the Trainings Module, consider your overall Group structure carefully. Don't create too many Groups and Sub-groups unless you really need them in order to limit access to content, otherwise it may make it difficult for you to set up Trainings. 

In case you create many Groups, it is important to remember that the Group is what determines if the User Function and in the end the User is included or not in the Training. In other words a User may have the right User Function assigned but if he/she does not belong to the Group to which the Training was assigned, then he/she will not be included in the Training.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.
  Please note:
  • Each User can have more than one User Functions.
  • You can assign a Training to more than one Group and to more than one User Function.
  • You can create User Functions that are only assigned to one employee.
  • The explanation in this article includes only assigning Trainings to Users that belong to Groups in Scilife and who have also been assigned User Functions in the system. This includes both Users with a Scilife user account as well as Offline Users.

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