How can I keep track of User progress in Trainings?

  • Updated

Training Coordinators, Training Supervisors, and Task supervisors, as well as Administrators and Managers, will easily be able to track User Progress in a Training.

See overall Training progress in the Trainings List

  1. Go to Trainings > Trainings.
  2. Use the Filters and/or Search field to find the right Training.
  3. In the User Progress column, you will see the percentage of users who have completed the training. Right below the percentage bar, you will see the number of users who have completed out of the total number of users who have been assigned the training. In other words, this is your global view on the training.
  4. In the Materials Progress column, you will see the percentage of users who have marked the Training Materials as done. Right below the percentage bar, you will see the number of All Trainings Materials.
  5. Click on the Title of the Training to access the Training Details Page for more details.



Detailed Training progress in the Training Details Page

When you access the Training Details page you can navigate between the Training Materials Tab and the Users/Offline Users Tab to see the remaining progress details.

Progress in the Training Materials Tab 

See Training Materials Progress for All Trainees

The Trainings Material Tab includes all the different contents of the Training: Documents, External Links, and Tasks. Each type of content has its own section on this page.

  1. When you access the Training Materials Tab you will see that you can choose to select All Trainees from the drop-down at the top of the page.
  2. This means that the progress you will see in each section is the accumulated progress: All Trainees Progress.
  3. Training materials are divided into 3 separate sections. The first shows Training Documents. This section includes all the Documents that have been assigned to the Training. 
  4. The second section shows External links. 
  5. The third section includes all the Training Tasks.



See Training Materials Progress for a specific User

  1. If you want to see the progress in the Training Materials for one specific Trainee you can use the drop-down at the top of the page to select the user.
  2. You will then see the User Progress to the right of the drop-down.
  3. In this case, the User has marked the Training Documents as Read and Understood therefore this part is marked as completed indicating the date in the Completed ON column.
  4. The User has accessed and signed off on the external link which was part of the Training, therefore the External Links section is also marked as completed.



Progress in the Users / Offline Users Tab 

  1. The Users / Offline users Tab shows overall progress per User in the Training. Once the Training is completed the progress bar disappears and instead the date on which the Training was completed is shown.
  2. At the top of the page, you will find the Users with access to Scilife.
  3. At the table at the bottom, you will see Offline users.




  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.
  Please note: Offline user progress will only be shown once the Training Supervisor has set the User to Trained.

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