How can I create a New User?

  • Updated

When creating a New User it is important to keep in mind that how the User is configured will determine the users' permissions, as well as the users' access to Modules and all system items in general (Documents, Trainings, Events, Change Requests, CAPAs, etc.)

Creating a New User:

  1. Go to MANAGE > Scilife Settings
  2. Go to Users
  3. Click on the + New button.



  1. User Details include all the system mandatory fields as well as any other field required in your organization.
  2. In Permissions you will be able to indicate:
    • User Status: Active / Deactivated.
    • Permission Role: the role you set for the User will determine the User's permissions in the system. It is important to give the User exactly the permissions they will need to carry out the functions they will be responsible for in Scilife.
    • Allowed to be QA person. Only Administrators, Managers, and Regular Users can be configured as QA. 
  3. Group(s) to the User, bear in mind that Groups are a way of limiting access to items. Only users belonging to the Group(s) to which an item has been assigned will have access to it. Only assign the new User to Group(s) of which you are sure they should have access to the created items assigned to that Group (Documents, Events, CAPAs, Change Requests, etc).



  1. Defining User Functions is essential if you are working with the Trainings Module. Trainings are assigned to users by a combination of Group as well as User Function. If the correct Users Functions are not assigned to the User, then the User will not be assigned the corresponding Trainings. If needed, you can create a new User Function in the Trainings Module and then add it later to the user profile. 



  1. Access details email: indicate if the New User credentials should be sent directly to the New User or to yourself. When the user receives the email with the credentials and accesses Scilife for the first time, the User will be asked to create a new password.
  2. In Modules Permissions you should activate only the Modules to which you want that particular User have access to. It is up to you to determine if all users should have access to all the Modules that have been activated for your Company
  3. Click on the Save button and the User Created Successfully message will appear.



  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users 
  Please note: Managers and Regular Users can only create/edit/delete users if they have been given permission in MANAGE > Scilife Settings > Permission Settings > General. Read-Only Users cannot be set to have these permissions.

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