How to work with Contacts in Scilife?

  • Updated

What are Contacts?

Contacts can be Clients, Vendors, Manufacturers, Suppliers as well as Contact Persons working for these.

It is useful to configure them in the system because you can link them to items in the different Modules such as CAPAs, Events, Change Control, and Equipment.

In other words, when creating for example an Event, you will be able to link the Event to a Supplier and a Contact Person at that Supplier, both of which you have already created in the system.


How can I add new Contacts?

There are 2 ways to create new Contacts:

  1. Either go to MANAGE > Scilife Settings > Contacts > click on the + icon.
  2. Or create one when you are creating or editing a CAPA, Change Request, Event, or introducing a new piece of Equipment by clicking on the Add New Contact button just next to the Contact field.

When you add a new Contact you can select a Contact Type. These can be Clients, Vendors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Contact Persons. These options are default in the system, you cannot create new options but only choose from the existing ones. This field is not mandatory.

If you select Client, Vendor, Manufacturer, or Supplier as Contact Types the only mandatory field you fill have to fill out is the name of the Company.

If you chose Contact Person, the mandatory fields are First Name and Last Name.

In the case of Contact Persons, you can link the Contact Person to the Company to which they belong. In order to do so you need to create the Client, Vendor, Manufacturer, or Supplier first and then afterward link the Contact Person to the corresponding Company.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users.

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