What happens when a Reviewer edits a Document?

  • Updated

If a Document is in Under Review status and a Reviewer makes changes in the Document through Live Edit, as soon as the Reviewer signs off on the Document, the status of the Document goes to Under Signing By Author in order for the Author to sign off on the changes made by the Reviewer.

A Document also goes into Under Signing by Author status when an Author makes changes while the document is in Under Review and the Reviewer then signs off.

If there is more than one Reviewer and the Sign off by all Reviewers required switch is turned on, then all Reviewers will have to sign off before the Document goes to Under Signing by Author.

It is also possible to define the sign-off sequence for the Reviewers in a Document.

Once the Author signs off on the Document the status of the Document then changes to Under Signing by Approver.

  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users / Read Only Users.

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