When creating documents to use in Scilife it is important to bear in mind how you format your documents/ document types to ensure consistency throughout and to prevent the need to redo and republish your documentation.
All document templates can be tested first in your test environment, but here are some tips to help you when creating your documentation for the first time.
- Please note that changes in page breaks and spacing in a document can occur once the variables are fully replaced, therefore it is important to account for this when creating a document with variables.
- If you're creating a document with a page numbering system we further suggest that you allow for additional space to be taken on variable replacement. For example, when using a content table with multiple variables. The variables themselves can be short but the replacement may be a lot greater due to people's names, job titles etc.
- When using variables check that the variables don't have typos and are not missing any of the relevant symbols required.
- Always accept/ reject and then disable tracked changes before moving the document out of draft status.
- To ensure a table or section starts on a new page, we recommend inserting a page break after the last section in Word.
- Sometimes intros are included in the document, when the variables are populated the intro gets moved to a new page resulting in extra spaces in the published version of the document.
- We recommend enabling the 'show/ hide ¶ ' in the Paragraph group of the Home tab in Word which will allow you to see if any intros are included in the document:
Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users / Read-Only Users Users.