Document Expiration - Good Practices

  • Updated

When creating a Document that will have an Expiration Date:

  1. Define the Periodic Review period.
  2. Make sure to specify a time in Notify about approaching Periodic Review date.
    • The time indicated here should be sufficient enough time for the Document to go through an entire Approval Cycle, from Draft to Published.

When the system sends you the notification that the Periodic Review is approaching, we recommend that you then Force Review on the Document.

The notification will be sent to all those users that have been defined in permission settings as those that can edit the periodic review date.

All the Users with a role in the Document will receive a notification that the Document has been Force Reviewed and gone back to Draft. Moreover, the Document will appear on their Dashboard.

They will then have the time that was defined in Notify about approaching Periodic Review date to run the Document through the Approval Cycle before the last Published version of the Document expires.

  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users



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