How do I enable & configure a sign-off sequence?

  • Updated

Which modules use the sign-off sequence?

  • Documents
  • Events
  • CAPAs
  • Change Control
  • Supplier Management
  • Audits
  • Risk Assessment
  • Equipment

How do I enable the sign-off sequence?

  1. Go to Module Settings.
  2. Select Signature Settings.
  3. Toggle on to enforce a sign-off sequence.
  4. Toggle off allowing sign-offs to be done in any order, thus removing the possibility to set a sign-off sequence.

How do I configure the sign off sequence at module level?

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. In Settings, drag and drop to change the sign-off order of your user roles.
  3. Save.


  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users / Read-Only Users Users.

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