Setting a Document to Published

  • Updated

Who can move a Document from Approved not Published to Published?

The last user to sign off in the approval workflow will set the Document to Approved not Published.

Any users with a role in the Document can then set it to Published once it is in the Approved not Published status.

System Administrators can set a Document to Published, once it is in the Approved not Published status regardless of having a role.


How do I set a Document to Published?

  1. Add an optional Remark
  2. Select a Publish date from the dropdown use the calendar option to be more specific, or select Now to publish straight away.
  3. The list of users who will receive email notifications to let them know the document is published/ due to be published on is displayed.
  4. Save your changes.

  Relevant for: Administrators / Managers / Regular Users

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